Kids Predator A (Advanced) Rules
Age: 6-12
Weight: 250 lbs
Restrictor: .500 Purple
Tires: Non Tech
Payout: 80% payback
Advanced level Class, Kids with experience or kids moving up from B Class will race here. Kids who start in this class or move up to this class, Cannot move down to or back down to B Class.​
Cheating and Claim Refusal:
If you refuse a claim you can no longer race in the class.
Those who choose to race in this class enter with the knowledge and acceptance of the fact that this is a "Claimer" class. If your engine is claimed by another competitor, you must remove your engine and give it to the Tech Man, minus any non-claim parts; no arguments and no foul language or threats to anyone. If you cannot or will not abide by these rules, do not enter a kart in this class. Failure to surrender an engine when claimed will result in a loss of the current season's points up to and including the date of the claim and removal from the class.
If you are caught cheating, The first offense is a DQ and loss of points for the night, The second is a two race suspension, and the third is removal from the class for the remainder of the year.
Promoter has the option to claim a motor at any time.
​ All parts must be stock factory production parts unless otherwise specified within these written rules. No alteration, cutting, grinding or machining of parts allowed. No sandblasting or tumbling parts are allowed. This is strictly prohibited. All parts will be subject to comparison to know stock parts. If it is not specifically written in the rules that something can be done all OEM parts must remain stock. Parts cannot be changed or modified. No interchanging of parts between Hemi and Non-Hemi models.
Engine Description:
- Single Cylinder, Harbour Freight Predator engine with 212 cc displacement.
- No Honda Engines.
- 87 Octane pump gas only, Track may designate between ethanol and non-ethanol fuels
CC Check:
- Every engine is subject to a CC check if promotor deems necessary.
- Non-hemi will be 27.8 cc min
- Hemi will be 28.8 cc min.
- Must be stock unaltered piston only
- 2.756" max diameter measured at skirt
- Piston and head must be of the same make and model
- Dish top pistons must be used with Non-Hemi heads
- Flat top pistons must be used with Hemi heads
Head Gasket:
- No swapping of head gaskets between Non-Hemi and Hemi heads
- Hemi must run OEM thick gasket
- Non-Hemi must run OEM thin gasket
- No copper, aftermarket, or performance gaskets allowed
- Sealer may be used on Non-Hemi gasket to stop leaks
- Non-Hemi can use two (2) gaskets to comply with CC check
- Stock unported heads only
- All defined edges must remain on head ports
- Hemi head must be run on Hemi block
- Non-Hemi head must be run on Non-Hemi block
- Head and block can be checked for flatness and be flattened if need be to ensure proper mating surface.
- No milling the block or head
- Must be stock and unaltered
- No twisting of the crank or cam gear
- Governor gear may be left in place or removed
- No other mods or changed to crank allowed
- Max stroke is 2.169"
- Stock cast rod only
- No cutting, grinding or polishing of rod
- No billet rods allowed
- Stock length is 3.308" (-.003/+.002) to be measured center to center
- Inside of wrist pin hole to inside of crank journal hole is to be 2.353" to 2.357" in length
- Rod oil hole to be checked with .180" no-go
- Stock, cast, unaltered flywheel only, No altering plastic cooler fins
- Stock cam cores only
- No cheater stock, c.m. ground, mod2 or BSP cams
- Compression release must be in place and functional
- Cam base circle for Hemi is .865" (-.005/+.010)
- Non-Hemi can be the same as Hemi but as large as .985" (+.003)
- Duration check for intake/exhaust, Hemi and Non-Hemi to be taken at pushrod
- Intake duration @ .050 lift is 222° max
- Intake duration @ .200 lift is 88° max
- Exhaust duration @ .050 lift is 225° max
- Exhaust duration @ .200 lift is 99° max
- Max intake lobe lift is .225" to be taken off of push rod
- Max exhaust lobe lift is .232" to be taken off of push rod
- Intake and Exhaust lift for Hemi and Non-Hemi, as raced with lash will be taken off retainer
- Hemi intake max lift # retainer is .261" as raced
- Hemi exhaust max lift @ retainer is .267" as raced
- Non-Hemi intake max lift @ retainer is .255" as raced
- Non-Hemi exhaust max lift @ retainer is .255" as raced
Valve Train Assembly:
- Stock unaltered push rods
- Hemi max push rod length is 5.570"
- Stock unaltered rocker arms
- Stock unaltered lifters
- Lifters must weight a min of 18 grams for both Hemi and Non-Hemi
Valve Springs:
- Springs subject to dead weight tech tool
- 10.8 lbs @ .850" height
- 18 lbs @ .650" height
- No shims allowed
- Max wire diameter of .071 for Hemi and Non-Hemi
- Springs can be tested with a .750" height spring box tester and .250 square NO-GO gauge
- Dead weight check and .750 spring box checks will be the same as clone
- Stock retainers and keepers must be used from factory
- The Non-Hemi engine comes with one valve seal from the factory and only one seal is allowed
Valve Cover:
- Must be unaltered with exception of installation of fitting to pulse fuel pump
Fuel Pump:
- Must be pulse style
- Must be puled from valve cover only
Ignition Coil:
- Must be stock coil
- Wire and plug boot must be installed
Timing Key:
- Timing is a non tech item
- Any key or no key allowed
Air Box:
- Air box must be stock and unaltered in any ways
- Any factory holes not being used must be plugged
- All incoming air must flow through the air filter
Fuel Tank:
- Stock fuel tank must be removed from engine
- Aftermarket fuel tank for racing applications must be used
- Fuel tank is to be mounted on floor pan under steering shaft or to the steering shaft itself
Governor and Oil Sensor:
- Removal of Governor and components is allowed.
- If governor is removed the governor hole must be plugged
- Removal of oil sensor is allowed, if oil sensor is removed the oil sensor hole must be plugged
Pull Starter:
- Must run stock pull starter only
- Engine must start by use of pull starter, no exceptions
- No clone carbs allowed
- Stock S.P., Ruixing and Hauyi carbs for predator only ( These carbs come with the predator engines)
- Any carb that has an enrichment screw that is adjustable is not legal as it is not a stock OEM part for any predator engine.
Carburetor Components:
- Carb venturi to be checked with .615" no-go and .608" must go
- Rear carb bore to be checked with .751" blade type no-go
- Main jet is .032" max, checked with .033" no-go
- Idle jet is .018" max, checked with .020" no-go
- Idle jet must have both o-rings
- E-Tube has min length of 1.092"
- E-Tube protrusion into Venturi will be checked with a .488" no-go on all style pred carbs
- No-go must not pass over top of E-Tube inside of the carb venturi
- Min outside diameter of E-Tube at any point will be .154"
- Max number of holes in midsection of E-Tube is 22 to be checked with a .036 no-go
- Through hole in E-Tube will be checked with .070" no-go
- Butterfly min thickness is to be .037"
- SP carb throttle shaft shall have .112" min thickness
- Ruixing and Hauyi carb throttle shaft shall have .115" min thickness
- Ruixing and Hauyi butterfly screw min length is .305" as from factory
- Phenolic spacer must be flat with a min thickness of .265"
- No drilling or altering of stud holes in phenolic spacer to allow repositioning from factory stock location
- The center hole inlet in the phenolic spacer must remain stock and produced from the factory, No modifications allowed.
Spray Test:
- Spray testing may be done to check for introduction of air to the intake system, If motor speeds up or slows down during the test, it has failed.
Header and Muffler:
- Will be the track or series option of weenie pipe or bug pipe
- Weenie pipe and muffler will be B-91 mini
- Big header and muffler will be B-91 XL
- Headers and mufflers will be checked in accordance with the Box stock clone header rules per AKRA or NKA
Claiming an Engine:
Claim Fee is $200
(Promoter has right to claim a motor at anytime)
Essentially, the "claim" made on an engine contains only the parts which were on the engine when it was originally purchased, with the exception of the removed governor. CANNOT CLAIM MORE THAN THREE MOTOR'S A YEAR.
Who can claim: Anyone that is on the same lap as the leader at the finish of the race can claim, Priority claims go from last place to 2nd, if a last place claim is made on the leader, it takes priority over anyone who finishes in front of them. You cannot claim if you are a lap down even if you are in last place, you must be on the lead lap. Only the winner of the race can be claimed.
In the event of a claim on an engine with a floor mounted fuel tank, the floor tank, auxiliary fuel pump and top plate are not included in the claim.
Exhaust system (header pipe and muffler) are not part of any claim made, and shall remain the property of the engine owner.
Motor mount, clutch, chain guard, and aftermarket throttle linkage are considered non-engine add-on's, and are not part of the claim.
If your engine is claimed by another competitor, you must remove your engine and give it to the Tech Man, minus any non-claim parts; no arguments and no foul language or threats to anyone. If you cannot or will not abide by these rules, do not enter a kart in this class. Failure to surrender an engine when claimed will result in a loss of the current season's points up to and including the date of the claim. If you refuse a claim or are caught cheating with illegal parts on or in engine you can no longer race in the class.